Recipes for Bots



Separation of concerns

  • Separate each set of commands into its own Cog

    import discord
      from discord.ext import commands
      class Moderation(commands.Cog):
          def __init__(self, bot, config):
     = bot
              self.config = config.cogs.Moderation
          async def kick(self, ctx, member: discord.Member, reason=None):
              Kick a member from this server.
              Example: !kick user "toxic"
              await member.kick(reason=reason)
              await ctx.send(f'{} kicked {member}.  Reason: {reason}')
          async def ban(self, ctx, member: discord.Member, reason=None):
              Ban a member from this server.
              Example: !ban user "toxic"
              await member.ban(reason=reason)
              await ctx.send(f'{} banned {member}.  Reason: {reason}')
  • Load a list of Cogs on startup

    from operator import methodcaller
      import discord
      import lib.cogs
      from discord.ext import commands
      from lib.utilities import load_config, load_secrets
      config = load_config('config.yml')
      secrets = load_secrets('secrets.yml')
      bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=config.prefix)
      for cog in config.cogs.keys():
          cog_class = methodcaller(cog, bot=bot, config=config)(lib.cogs)
Separate each set of commands into its own `Cog`